The Lok Sabha of Indian Parliament had its last session today. Though the Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj managed to have a lot of good words to sum up the session, it echoed like "all brides are beautiful; all dead are great".
With so many bills (including vital 'six' of Rahul Gandhi!) remaining undecided, nearly all types of anti-democratic histrionics including the infamous 'pepper-spray' by the Parliamentarians, this House will go down in the history as one of the most useless.
The Lok Sabha was witness of the all mean methods adopted by the Congress for political mileage including formation of Telangana over Andhra bloodshed. Congress need to reply why Rahul-Bills were brought in the last session! It is not a question of why Congress did not consider it in the last nine years. One can awake any time. The issue is, did government want to pass these Bills in haste and therefore they were brought in the last session?
This Lok Sabha was also witness to BJP's what-to-do-what-not-to-do dilemma. Undecided on nearly all issues, it finally supported Congress on all issues!
It also saw the most silent Prime Minister ever.
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