Saturday, July 19, 2014

Are We Overdoing Our Rape News?

Lately, probably post-Nirbhaya, India has turned into a Rape Nation! Or so it appears. All the news channels keep a slot in their rapid fire news bouncers for rape news. It feels like every one is put to rape every one. One wonders if even these channels should be also rated as 'Adult Only' or A/U Certificate.
No doubt such incidents are happening, but were they not happening earlier?
No doubt they are heinous, grievous and inhuman, but are the news doing any good to society? One wonders, not. The gut feeling is that they are probably making the rapists hero. With the wide news coverage, it has become a weapon of revenge.
No one is suggesting the way out. No channel is trying to expose the culprits, for all of their investigative journalism.
There must be a ban on such type of ill-reportings. Else, even international media also show our village level rape news in their scrolls.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Uniform Civil Code: The Debate Goes On

For a long long time, the Uniform Civil Code in India has been a critical issue. While the so-called Hinduist political and semi/quasi-political forces keep on raising this issue, the so-called secular political forces as well as the Islamic clerics stand against it. What is amusing is that no one is quite sure what really comprises the Uniform Civil Code!
It may not be a overstatement that most of the individuals batting for UFC really think that it is in fact a Hindu Civil Code. Interestingly, those opposing it also oppose on the same grounds!
Today, on a News Channel (Z News) at 10 pm show Bharat Bhagya Vidhata a Muslim cleric did raise the issue by saying, kya sare dharmon ke log ab fere lenge? (So now on will the followers of all religions encircle the fire?), an indication to the Hindu marriage ritual.
What actually is the Hindu Personal Law? I don't think it prescribes how a marriage should be performed! What I really know is that Hindus follow n number of rituals, vastly varying over the regions, cultures and communities. Take a simple example. In Bihar, UP and Bengal sindoor, the vermilion, on the forehead (rather maang) is the symbol of marriage. In Maharashtra and Punjab it is the mangal sootra. Down South, it is the veni.
What I assume is, a Uniform Civil Code is certainly not a Hindu Civil Code. If one side says it wishes to start a discussion on the issue before actually executing it, where is the harm?
It seems, it is high time we start discussing the issue with open mind and open heart. It will do good to communities. It will certainly do good to the Nation.